Not long ago we visited a small town called Ensenada in Mexico. From there, we visited a touristy place called La Bufadora; a marine geyser. The route filled with authentic Mexican delicacies like Tamales, fresh tacos and salsa and chips. The approach to the blowhole was a local Mexican market and they sold everything from jewellery to clothes to other artifacts made locally. But the surprising element was that there were about half a dozen shops selling one common thing: Pina Colada made fresh from pineapple scooped out in front of you!

They served both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and just like most other drinks; they came with a refill for a few cents. We had the non-alcoholic one and it was addictive; thank God for the concessional refill! It was then, that I had made up my mind to try this wonderful drink at home. So I spoke to the lady making it and saw her making it too. Simple method she said: core a pineapple, use most of it along with canned coconut milk, sweetened condensed milk and ice. Serve it back in the pineapple shell. No need for a glass and it looks chic too!
So a few days back when RuBiwo sent me an amazing pineapple corer, I was sure it was time to try this amazing drink! I bought a whole pineapple for the first time in my life, but the instructions that came with the corer were perfect to help me core the pineapple perfectly and in under five minutes! It does the task effortlessly and without much wastage. Just remove the leaves, plunge the corer into the pineapple and rotate the handle. keep going till you reach the bottom of the pineapple. Remove the corer with the flesh. Once you remove the handle, you can easily slide the entire swirls of pineapple using a fork or your hand. Only con is that if your pineapple is of the slender types, you will end up getting the skin with the flesh. So ensure that the pineapple is at least ½ an inch wider than the diameter of the blade. Get yours here.

The pineapple can be used to make this awesome drink, or even use the shell to serve your famous Thai Pineapple Fried Rice. Now that the cold weather has finally decided to mellow down, it is probably the time to start enjoying the cool drinks, and this Pina Colada is my first for the season! If you drink alcohol, white rum would be a great addition to make the boozy drink. For the others who would rather stay away, this drink is perfect without the booze too.

Pineapple 1 medium
Coconut milk ¾ cup (canned or fresh)
Sweetened Condensed Milk 2 tbsp
Maraschino Cherry

To prepare the pineapple, start with removing the leaves and the hard top of the pineapple. Using a pineapple corer, start from the top and go through the body of the pineapple till you reach the bottom. Ensure that you do not slice off the bottom. Remove the corer and separate the slices. Set aside the pineapple to serve the drink into.

In a blender add 3-4 cubes of ice, three fourth of the pineapple, condensed milk and coconut milk. Churn to a smooth mixture. Transfer to the pineapple, add some more ice cubes. You can add a couple of maraschino cherries and decorate using half a slice of pineapple. Serve immediately.
**One or more products in this post were sent to me complimentary for review purposes. However, all the opinions are unbiased and completely my own.

Motions and Emotions says
wow lovely clicks and the way you presented it inside the pineapple...